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Episode 3 – As It Turns Out…

July 14, 2011

Welcome to Episode 3 of Dining with Druids! We’re your hosts, Ali and Jeff Lilly.

In tonight’s episode, “As It Turns Out…“, Ali and Jeff finally hit a groove thanks to a mix of caffeine and fatigue, and conversation ranges far and wide over such subjects as: cats, solar panels, victory gardens, liberalism, libertarianism, sexism, atheism, and how testosterone can determine your career path. Ali accidentally says some stuff conservatives agree with, and Jeff treats listeners to a passage from Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra as read in a fake Texan accent. Cu Gwyn the Wonder Cat looks on unamused.

Mentioned in tonight’s episode:

Hey listeners, chime in and answer some of the astounding and puzzling questions we pose during tonight’s episode, and we’ll read your comments next time (even if they’re total bull-putty)!

As always, thanks for listening!

4 Comments leave one →
  1. July 14, 2011 9:36 am

    Dude – I do not understand where the echo effect is coming from, or why there’s 90 or so seconds where Jeff’s mic just totally freaks out… :-/ My apologies to listeners for our continuing struggles to get the technical aspects of this podcast to work. Most of the episode is fine, though, and we’ll try to do better next time!

  2. crucialprism permalink
    July 15, 2011 12:44 pm

    just a couple links to satiate the thoughts for the greenery in plant leaves… πŸ˜› …

    loving the podcasts/blogs/postings, and will enjoy following them as time progess’ through… keep up the -awesome- workin’s to ya both… πŸ˜€

  3. July 18, 2011 2:55 pm

    Congratulations on starting this podcast! I’ve really been enjoying your first few episodes, especially your informal conversation and sense of humour. It makes me feel as though I’m just sitting around a dinner table with the two of you! You’ve given me a lot to think about in these episodes; perhaps I’ll have a more in-depth comment later on.

    And about cat moods: Most of the cats that I have known have had a mood best described as sitting-on-the-side-of-a-door-desperately-wanting-to-be-on-the-other-side, which involves meowing, frantically pacing from door to door, and giving any nearby humans imploring looks. One cat I know also has a crazy mood which involves tearing at high speeds throughout the house, and attacking his back feet with his front feet.

    Anyway, I’m looking forward to future episodes, and to hearing more from you!

    • July 18, 2011 5:20 pm

      So happy to have you listening, Heather! I’m glad the half-assed – er, that is, “informal” quality of the episodes is entertaining. πŸ™‚ That’s what we’re going for, anyway!

      ” One cat I know also has a crazy mood which involves tearing at high speeds throughout the house, and attacking his back feet with his front feet.”

      Yes! Cu Gwyn does that too – although he usually prefers to attack our feet rather than his own. πŸ˜‰ Growing up, I also had a cat who did that, and in our house we called it “the Zoomies.” Cu loves to get the Zoomies up and down the steps, and dive under furniture in a game of tag. Oh, cats are such fun!

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